SuperCharge your Job Search to land amazing roles in 12 weeks.

Group Coaching Program

Get more interviews, convert the right ones into offers and negotiate the best salary for your career and lifestyle. With confidence and without the guesswork and overwhelm, even if the very thought of interviews makes you sweat.

[PS: May Cohort is now open and accepting students.]

I'm ready or Schedule a 1:1 call

So, you're actively looking at changing jobs/careers ... and it's been a while. You realise now that you're  getting stuck. And you know what's really frustrating? Witnessing people who are less qualified getting ahead. What the heck do they have that you don't, amirite?

So, now what do you do to get 'unstuck'? You're an action taker, so you take action. You buy endless courses, re-do your resume and LinkedIn at least 15 times, show it to your friends, take their advice, buy books, watch endless YouTube videos, read blog posts, listen to all the podcasts. Heck, you've even followed some of those career gurus who tell you that it's all about 'mindset', and that you need to be 'out there networking' ... and my favourite one: build a 'personal brand'. What does that even mean?

You've tried it all. You've done it all. Nothing has changed.

That stops NOW.

*** This is where I come in ***

My name is Sonal and I know VERY WELL what you are going through. I have been an HR Director and have spent nearly 2 decades in HR and partnered closely with the C Suite on talent development. I have reviewed over 250,000 resumes and conducted over 5000 interviews in 8 countries in 3 continents.

I have been laid off more than once and know exactly how hard it is during those trying transitions. I have been unmotivated during what I considered low points in my career. In countries where I had no network, no local language, nothing. Hence I want you to know: The SuperCharged Job Search System is REAL counsel from someone who’s been there and came out victorious on the other side.

After working with hundreds of senior professionals, I have found that the top 1% who are able to supercharge their career and earn more money, have cracked the code of the SuperCharged Job Search System.

Here's the short version of what you'll get:

Want a full breakdown? Keep reading!

Weeks 1, 2 & 3

The Believability Pillar

Here we work on self re-discovery and mastery, by learning about your inherent strengths and the work that makes you happy and fulfilled and passes the sweet spot test. Before you are believable to executive recruiters and hiring managers, we ensure you are also believable to yourself.

Have you taken the time to make them believe you and why you’re THE person they’ve been praying for, even if they’re not religious?!

Does your resume and LinkedIn profile lead the hiring manager to believe they can get these results you claim?

The Believability pillar works even if you know nothing about writing an award winning resume or bio, by slicing through the recruiter’s indifference and provoking a HELL YESS response.



1. Knowledge of own Top 5 Clifton Strengths 

2. Clear and defined career goals

3. Brand new Resume, LinkedIn Profile, Cover Letter & Bio

Weeks 4 & 5

The Networkability Pillar

Networking is a career transformation tool and since it is all the rage in the career world, most people assume networking alone will fix their ‘job search’ problem. The truth is that networking can quickly become a sinkhole if it does not have the right strategy and intention behind it; right from the first point of contact to a thank you email - all have to be meticulously examined to make sure they pass the supercharge audit. A small change in the way you approach a cold contact can take your networking from a time sinkhole to the one that brings opportunities in bulk.

The most crucial element of the Networkability Pillar is to what extent you have activated your warm and cold network in places you are targeting. This includes a targeted outreach plan with weekly, monthly and quarterly goals.


1. Targetted network and organisation mapping & plan

2. Personalised outreach of warm & cold contacts 


Weeks 6 & 7

Implementation weeks & catch up

We cover a LOT during the program, and there will be weeks dedicated to implementation, miscellaeous topics like career change, navigating job search after a layoff or long term unemployment, how to supercharge your personal brand online etc

Week 8

The Marketability Pillar

Marketability is defined as ‘attractiveness to potential employers or clients’. This begins with, but is not limited to, possessing some of most in demand skills in the 2020’s. This pillar is more than how you come across to employers. It’s your entire personal brand: how you differentiate yourself from your competition.

Your executive presence leading up to important meetings like job interviews can mean the difference between you being seen as the only logical choice in your market, or as just another samesie. Your resume, your linkedin profile, your tone of voice and even your recommendations convey a sense of your personal brand values, and doing these things without knowing the personal brand neuro-switches is akin to shouting in a vacuum. Under this pillar, every single aspect of your interview will be examined; the way you introduce yourself, the way you transition why you’re perfect for the role, the way you build a connection with the interviewers, the way you ask for the role. Because these small shifts are what will transform the right interviews into offers, time and again.


1. Your smashing answers to the Top 5 interview questions

2. Mastery of storytelling techniques for every type of interview question

3. Learn the science and art of following up (where fortune lives)

Weeks 9 & 10

The Hireability Pillar

Once you land an offer, or multiple offers, do you negotiate the best possible deal? We often forget that a job offer is akin to a business deal, and we are the CEO’s of our own career. Once that offer is in your lap, you are in the best possible position to negotiate and this module is meant to lock, seal and stamp your status as the indisputable choice in your field by meticulously examining your negotiation style and ensuring all individual offer components work in your favour and both your short-term and long-term future.


1. Learn Sonal's two proprietary negotiation frameworks and scripts to supercharge your negotiation skills

2. Negotiate confidently whether after a career pause, layoff or during a career change

Outside of this, there is also a welcome week and graduation week, both working sessions, totalling to 12 weeks, so we really make the most of our time together! 

Tired of scrolling yet? But wait, there's more!

A for Accountability

What if you get stuck on a section? What if you're feeling a little nervous, or uninspired, or you just need a friendly kick on your backside? 

This is why, for the duration of your training and beyond, you'll have access to an exclusive Slack group, just for the members of your cohort, and I'll be in there checking up on you and keeping you on track throughout.

Job search is so much better when you already have a community of people around you cheering you on, and willing you to succeed. It also helps keep us motivated, and feel less alone in our struggles, when we're first starting out. It's a safe space to ask questions, bounce around ideas, and seek feedback.

O for Open Office Hours

Other than the weekly coaching, once a week, I will be in my zoom room for 30 minutes, and if you have  question about LinkedIn, resumes, emails or anything else that's bothering you, no need to wait for the weekly LIVE coaching or a reply on Slack. Ask me during the office hours and get a response in real time!

Convinced that you need the SuperCharged Job Search System?

Sign up!

If not, let some of my fabulous clients tell you!

Frequently Asked Questions

The LIVE component of the program is designed to be done in maximum 12 weeks, but you can essentially take as long as you need, because it's self paced.

Coaching sessions will be live every Monday at 2 pm Central European Time and Open Office Hours every Thursday at 3 pm CET (to be confirmed based on location of the majority of attendees)

If you can't attend a session, please inform Sonal beforehand so she records it for you, so missing a session should be fine. However, attending all or as many sessions is strongly recommended so you can ask Sonal your questions directly and this is easily the best way to get the most out of the program.

I like to answer this in two ways:

1. Are you coachable? If you like to blame recruiters, hiring managers, companies and essentially think the 'system' is against you, I hear you, I do.... but that could mean that we may NOT be a fit. I know job search is tough and not always fair. Far from it. But if you like to focus on the 'controllables', take accountability and put in the work, we're going to be just fine.

2. Group vs Individual attention: if due to confidentiality you prefer to have private sessions, this group coaching program (or any for that matter) isn't right for you, you're better off enlisting 1:1 sessions.


I believe it will, as we will dedicate multiple sessions to get clear on your goals, strengths and motivations. Having said that, to make the most of program, it would definitely help you if you already know where you are going, because there's a strong bias for action here.

Good question. The basic values I work on with my clients are trust and mutual respect. Having said that, because this is a group program, I will have each participant sign a non-disclosure agreement prior to commencement of the program.

Short answer, no. And frankly, any career coach that makes such promises, I would have a hard time trusting them. While I trust the process and am proud of every single student who puts in the work, there are plenty of variables than can get in the way: motivation, cynicism, distractions, balancing work, studies, etc. I'm not a recruiter or hiring manager and can't guarantee you'll get the exact role you want. What I can assure you, is that if you join the program with an open mind and put in the work, you will definitely see noticeable results.

It's time to SuperCharge your Career. Live cohort begins early May 2024.

SuperCharged Job Search System


One time payment

12 Weeks Coaching Program with:

> LIVE Weekly training sessions with me TWO times per week: 

a. LIVE coaching, Q&A, implementation sessions on Mondays

b. Open office hours to help you get unstuck, held every Thursday

>Group accountability & support community on Whatssap for duration of program

> Supercharged Resume & LinkedIn Profile Digital Course
>Customised audit of ALL your career documents (resume, LinkedIn, cover letter)
>Supercharged Interview System Digital Course
>Mock interview with LIVE feedback on your answers to Top 5 interview questions
>Scripts for 18 types of outreach & follow up emails, eg how to contact recruiters
>Scripts for 22 scenarios during Salary & Offer negotiation
>Personal Brand Questionaire
>Top 5 Clifton Strengths talent assessment AND how to weave these in your career stories
>Bonus: 1:1 Coaching session for 30 minutes

>3 month check in

Let's go

Prefer monthly payments? No problem!

SuperCharged Job Search System


4 monthly payments

Ready to Enrol

50% Complete

Two Step

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